Neurons for Risk-Based Vulnerability Management

Avoid failed patch deployments

Save time and avoid failed patch deployments with pre-tested application updates and patch reliability insights. Ivanti thoroughly tests each patch content package we create. Testing is conducted in an extensive virtual environment to ensure the packages work across a wide array of application versions and operating systems before they are released to the product. To further bolster your confidence, patch reliability insights from crowdsourced social sentiment data and anonymized patch deployment telemetry enable you to evaluate application updates based on their reliability in real-world environments before deploying them.

Streamline patch management processes

realise a range of operational efficiencies with Ivanti Neurons Patch for MEM’s helpful features:

Key capabilities

Prioritize immediate actions based on  threat risk

Move from detection of vulnerabilities and weaknesses to remediation in minutes – not months – with a contextualized, risk-based view of your organisation’s cybersecurity posture. Ivanti Neurons for RBVM continuously correlates an organisation’s infrastructure with comprehensive internal and external vulnerability data, threat intelligence, human pen test findings and business asset criticality to measure risk, provide early warning of weaponization, predict attacks and prioritize remediation activities. Unlike CVSS, the platform’s proprietary VRR scoring enables organisations to accurately measure impact and determine the likelihood that a vulnerability will be exploited. Ivanti Neurons for RBVM also specifically identifies remote code execution (RCE) and privilege escalation (PE) vulnerabilities, vulnerabilities with ties to ransomware, and vulnerabilities that are trending and active. This information helps organisations focus on those vulnerabilities that pose them the most risk.

Improve the efficiency of vulnerability management processes

Ivanti Neurons for RBVM helps you increase your cybersecurity posture while decreasing the time and effort required to do so:

Enable better collaboration amongst security stakeholders.

Facilitate improved communication and cooperation among security stakeholders from across the organisation – both those on the technical side and the business side – by providing them each with timely information relevant to their roles. Ivanti Neurons for RBVM employs RBAC to enable organisations to safely provide platform access to all applicable personnel. Once inside the platform, users have access to a range of ready-made dashboards designed for different personas, from security practitioners to executives. These standard dashboards can also be modified to fit more specific use cases. Further, user widgets enable users to create fully customized dashboards that meet the exact needs of different roles and teams. To further foster collaboration, Ivanti Neurons for RBVM allows users to create deep links to share their exact current view of a platform page with other users. This helps bridge communication gaps between siloed teams by enabling all teams to literally get on the same page. Users also possess the ability to share dashboards, export templates and filters. Last but not least, the platform quantifies an organisation’s risk profile in the form of an Ivanti RS3score that ensures all security stakeholders are in alignment on the organisation’s overall security level. Bidirectional integrations with ticketing systems – including Ivanti Neurons for ITSM – improve coordination between stakeholders working to improve that security level by enabling them to maintain visibility throughout the remediation process without the additional burden of leaving their preferred system.

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