Neurons for GRC

Manual governance, risk and compliance diminish Trust (and are costly).  The solution is here.

Companies invest heavily in cyber-threat detection and prevention, but manage compliance with manual spreadsheets or outdated, siloed tools. This approach is highly inefficient and could expose your organisation to a variety of risks and costs. In fact, according to the U.S. Treasury Department, victims of ransomware attacks paid $590 Million in the first half of 2021. Modern governance, risk and compliance (GRC) tools allow for more efficient cybersecurity spend that aligns to compliance needs.

Make GRC drama-free

Ivanti® Neurons for GRC is built on a truly codeless platform, enabling you to tailor your environment with flexible workflows, as well as drag-and-drop and real-time reporting capabilities – without the help of developers. Centralize your policy, controls, compliance and risk management so you can automate and integrate your compliance efforts into a single system.

Ivanti Neurons for GRC

In a recent survey from Gartner®,  39% more CEOs and business leaders identified risk management as one of  their top priorities from 2019.

Key features and capabilities

No-code platform

Define your own unique governance activities to ensure you’re meeting ever-evolving requirement changes – without developers. Ivanti Neurons for  GRC is built on a no-code platform that flexes, scales and adapts to your processes no matter how frequently they change. You don’t have to go out of your way to be compliant with governance — nor does your technology. 

Process maturity management

Assess the maturity of your critical security processes and controls, and optimise based on priority and risks. Keep tabs on control objectives, performance, adoption and 1 800 982 2130

Risk management

Performing risk assessments should be a regular activity, and yet for most organisations this is a manual and inconsistent effort leading to wasted  time and omissions. Ivanti Neurons for GRC guides you through the risk-assessment effort to ensure efficient and accurate results.

Automated governance activities

You already know that manual processes are the enemies of maintaining compliance and reducing risk, and repetitive ones are even more painful. Replace manual tasks with automated governance activities so you can focus on more strategic work and remove human error.

This content was originally published at

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