Kay-Lee Franco

Why Clean Code?

Code is clean if it can be understood easily – by everyone on the team. With understandability comes readability, changeability, extensibility and maintainability. All the things needed to keep a project going over a long time without accumulating up a large amount of technical debt. Writing clean code from the start in a project is an investment in keeping the

Why Clean Code? Read More »

new JuniorDeveloper()

I doubt that any of us had a painless initiation into the development world. Obviously we were expecting real-life tech to be planets apart from what we studied, but what we hadn’t braced for was the deep dive into client business rules and 3rd party integrations. As a new junior joins your company, fresh from

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Framework parameters

Does the ITIL® Framework Need a Facelift?

The following is an excerpt from a longer article, entitled ‘Does the ITIL Framework Need a Facelift?’ by Malcolm Fry. Malcolm believes the framework is an excellent tool, and his comments are not meant to be a criticism but an encouragement to improve. Relevance The eternal problem for the ITIL framework has always been to remain relevant mainly because

Does the ITIL® Framework Need a Facelift? Read More »

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